Athanasios Argianas: Of the Length of Your Arms Unfolded

Oliver Basciano speaks with artist Athanasios Argianas on the occasion of his exhibition Until Full Stops Look Like Stars, From Where You Stand, at Max Wigram Gallery, London, 18 September through 31 October 2009. Copyright ArtReview.

On the 21st April 2011, Barbican Art Gallery presents the premiere of a new work specially created for this event by acclaimed artist Athanasios Argianas. An installation that doubles as a score for a sung performance, this work will be repeated several times throughout the evening.


Athanasios Argianas (Athens, 1976) is based in London and is a graduate of Goldsmiths College in London. He has presented his work in the 2nd Athens Biennial Heaven in the exhibition “For the straight way is lost” curated by Diana Baldon, Athens (2009). Argianas was nominated for the DESTE Prize 2009, which was presented in the Museum of Cycladic Art in Athens. Argianas’ selected solo exhibitions and projects include: “The Length of a Strand of Your Hair, of the Width of Your Arms Unfolded”, National Museum of Contemporary Art, EMST, Athens (2009), project room commission, curated by Dafni Vitali, We All Turn This Way, The Serpentine Gallery Pavillion, The Serpentine Gallery, London, and La Galerie, Noisy Le Sec, France. He has also presented his works in numerous group shows in institutional and private spaces in Europe.

Argianas currently runs his second solo exhibition from 10/02/2011 till 19/03/2011 at THE BREEDER SYSTEM Art Gallery in the city of Athens (Greece).

PeAn ChKa

He is an Informatics teacher and She is a nursery teacher. They both share their love for design and arts.