Open Day EMBA
The Chairman and the Members of the Governing Board of the International Hellenic University (IHU) have the pleasure of inviting you to the information session on the School of Economics and Business Administration and its new programmeEXECUTIVE MBA
Friday 30th November 2007,
17.30 - 20.30
Divani Caravel Hotel,
Vassileos Alexandrou 2
Professor Mario Levis, City University London, Member of the Governing Board and Head of Economics & Business Administration School, will present the EMBA programme and will be available for questions and further discussion.
For information and participation please call 2310-474584 or register
Deadline for the academic assistants' positions is now the 30th of November 2007
New position for IT technical manager
EMBA starts in February 2008
Download the EMBA brochure
Πηγή: International Hellenic University