Masters Of Today

We are in the process of selecting and nominating contemporary artists to be featured in the fourth book of Masters of Today (MOT) 1000 Contemporary Artists anthology. This is the most professional visual art resource and best opportunity for publishing and advertising. Along with publishing of 1000 contemporary artists MOT's collective, collectible art books are as one of most unique art resource, open doors to art lovers and tomorrows art history.
MOT art publishing is an artists-to-artists art publishing. Our first collectible, collective global art book was released in January 2003 with an impressive sold-out 25,000 copies of Art Addiction 100 Contemporary Artists' distributed in US bookstores, eCommerce, internationally to art lovers, museums, galleries and artists. Some buyers paid over US$ 1770 for one used copy of Art Addiction 100 Contemporary Artists.
Now, with an established and exclusive artists-to-artists art publishing MOT would like to offer each professional visual artist /gallery the chance to be considered with own Artist-Profile in Creative GENIUS MOT's new contemporary artiste book, now in editing process.
MOT's package costs from 590 Euro (or the equivalent currency) which elected each artist /gallery receive one-page profile feature in an exclusive created layout, three copy of the book which will be also distributed through Ingram and Ubiquity at Barnes and Noble, Borders, Amazon, as well as major fairs throughout US, Europe and Asia.
If you are interested in MOTs new art book projects we would be delighted to review your submission and happy to create your profile in Creative GENIUS. In order to compete the inclusion please provid (by eMail attachemnts) the materials requested below.
* 3 ~ 6 art works (email JPGs/TIFFs files /300 dpi /23 cm./9 in.)
* The works details: title, year, media, size
* Up to 500 words of critic or statement
* The personal website
* The place of residence and work
* A photo of yourself (300 dpi/4 cm/1,5 in)
After selection an editorial fee is requested to defray editorial and production expenses. The current editorial fee start at 590 Euro for one-page and 990 Euro for two-page spreads in the book.
It is also important to notice that the editorial fee is not for the right to be the included in books but represents an editorial standard cost that refers the creative layout and design-per-page and includes full editing, plates, offset print, packing, shipping, distribution and three copy of the book(s) to each artist included.
It is worth mentioning that the editorial fee should be provided by a gallery, corporation, individual contributor or self-provided.
MOT books are distributed through bookstores and eCommerce channels, to museums and galleries.
Source: from my good friend and artist Harris Kondosphyris